A good reason to hate him
This weekend in Lyons, France I’ll be giving a seminar on Job called “Lessons from suffering.” While reading away in the first chapters of that book, (the ones I kind of understand), I found a couple of good reasons (among others) to hate The Accuser.
One: The Accuser takes what is good, loving and perfect and turns it black by questioning motives. Unlike God, The Accuser is unable to see the hearts of people, or at least unable to assign anything positive to people’s motivations. God sees Job as full of integrity, justice and goodness. The Accuser sees him as a selfish follower, in it for what he can get. I hate that.
Two: The Accuser says that Job loved his own skin more than the lives of his 10 precious children. What a liar! It’s a sick society, an inhumane place, where fathers love their own lives more than those of their children. But, once again, The Accuser is blind, and can’t see the truth, and slanders a dad. And I hate that.
For some reason, God could put up with him. But I really don’t want The Accuser around my place. I can’t stand him…