18 September 2005

Some news

The folks who stayed for our AGAPE meal have just left. A good group this morning for church but only 17 for the meal. It was still fun. We sang and sang. I thought people would get tired, but it wasn’t the case. We had the digital camera out and took a lot of pictures, then put them on the computer straight away so that people could see them. Lots of eyes closed and funny looks, and lots of funny commentary while watching. But it was great.

We prayed for little Jeanne after the meal and singing. She’s a few days over 4 months old and just had open-heart surgery to repair her defect. She’s still in critical condition and her parents from the Geneva church have asked for our prayers.

Now the kids are playing ping-pong. We’ve got the family of one of Daughter’s friends coming over for the evening meal. First time to really spend time with them. As my French-speaking-trying-to-speak-English friends say: “We are so looking forward.” I used to always have to bite my tongue to keep from yelling “FORWARD TO, forward TO.” But now that I’m much more mature, it doesn’t even come to my mind.

And it’s daughter’s half-birthday today.

So life is good.


At 23:31, Blogger Thurman8er said...

Brady, I spent FAR too many Sundays reading letters from you in the bulletin and/or copying down your e-mail address so that I could send the occasional word of encouragement...and then never doing anything. I value so much your presence there and the work you do. I can't tell you how happy I am that you keep posting so that my lazy self can make checking in a part of my daily routine.

I'm proud to be a part of the family from which you come. I'm proud to know your mom and dad, sisters and brothers, and even brothers-in-law. I have tons of admiration for you and yours and I'm grateful for the chance to tell you so more often.

I promise to be more caustic and sarcastic in my next reply.

At 10:12, Blogger Brady said...

Thanks Steve for the words of encouragement. I love our church family there in Fresno and they way they have believed in our family.

And happy half-birthday to you, Greg. Go light on the cake, but get yourself something really nice, and tell your wife I said it was o.k.


At 15:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brady, you have matured. I am so looking forward at following your continued growth.

In your honor today I will include my word verification as a closing benediction.


At 16:31, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

I will go check on Steven today and see if he's well. All that mushy encouragement without even one silly comment! Goodness!

I happen to agree, though, that these blogs are such a blessing because we can keep in touch in a more personal way. (and more often)

Do you really celebrate half birthday's?


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