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Dear friends: To clear out the “inbox”…
Unfortunately, not all missionaries will have extra rings in their halos (though some may have distinguished positions in Eternity). All will, however, have great joy in heaven because: They are worshiping with over 100 people at a time (a rare occasion for many missionaries); They will see people groups who are united in Christ because of their mission… People who have stood the test of fire and are faithful for eternity.
No Pepperdine for me in 2006. However, my co-worker in Marseilles, Philippe Dauner, will be speaking at one of the evening keynotes. Young, intelligent, down-to-earth, not at all showy… I think you’ll like him. He desires but one thing: To know Christ better and to help others know Christ better. Welcome him (and Dolores, his wife) for they may feel very much out-of-place.
Sandra, we have not decided where we are going to retire (or if we’ll retire)! I’m thinking of moving in with Beth when we get up there in age… However, there are 2 empty bedrooms for any of you who want to retire in Lausanne.
In Europe, December 31 is known as “Saint Sylvester”. (I don't know why they celebrate a cat, but hey…) It’s usually spent with family. We’ll be with the Geneva church, playing and praying-in 2006.
May God watch over you…
P.S.: For what it's worth, just got an email from (I use them a lot) that we can get an additional 10% off Steve's recommended books (or any other book in stock). Enter the promotional code 234650 as you enter the checkout process… Good Sat., Sun. and Mon.