22 December 2005

Christmas Presents

It’s time for our first annual EVEN DAYS “If Only I Could Really Give You These Things” Awards sponsored by the College Church of Christ in Fresno.

This is that time of the year when we think of those who drop by our blogs wishing we could sit together around a plastic Christmas tree, sip eggnog and spit sunflower seed shells onto ye ole flaming Yuletide log.

To Randy I give a new study, out of the basement, and intelligence in all things, from Mice to Men. And several ping-pong victories over Tadd.

For Greg I’ve ordered Ima Picken Bass’ book on Frustrated Rock Stars and the Origin of their Addictions.

To Cecil, from the local Home Depot, I’ve ordered a new sander and designer varnish for the Table, and pre-ordered plywood sheeting for Hurricane Omega.

To Steve I send a new Kitchen. And a no parking sign to hang in it.

To Keith I send a hearty SINCORAMAKWAHANAMAS, and may you be more Incarnational every day.

For Sandra I’ve ordered a leather motor cycle jacket and the book, Blogging without Guilt.

To Son 2 and Daughter who always read but never comment on this blog, I send… Well you just wait. Sunday’s a coming.

To Son 1, a warm welcome home.

To any supporters reading this: My deepest appreciation for your trust. You are amazing.

To Wife: A new food processor.

Dear bloggers, enjoy your gifts. To those I forgot: Your check is in the mail


At 15:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brady, I don't know what to say. Your generosity overwhelms me, again. I feel slightly embarrassed that I only sent you a gift certificate to cuiczx.

At 15:34, Blogger cwinwc said...

And to Brady:
The admiration (if you could wrap it) of all us for the great work you're doing for the Lord.

Note to Brady:
Please add the following two items:
1. Forklift. My stubborn side (doesn't come out very often) says this will be required to move our table/altar back into the auditorium.
2. Blue tarps. Remember the MASH episode when they order bbq ribs from Chicago? They arrive in Korea and all any one can say is, "You didn't order the cole slaw!?"

At 19:46, Blogger Thurman8er said...

You've given me the greatest gift of all: an idea for today's post.

At 21:33, Blogger Keith Davis said...

And to Brady a very Chrismahankwanzica (the name my kids told me for the politically correct Christmas) to you friend. What cool way to "gift" on the old blog!
Thanks for thinking of me! You made me feel fablmwz!


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