10 February 2006

Going out

One of the down-sides of Wife’s good cooking is that we don’t go out to eat much. In general, we hit the restaurants only when company is in town and at the end of February for our wedding anniversary.

You can actually eat lunch out for about $15.00. Well, sometimes. If you ask for a no-smoking section, they’ll often put the plastic no-smoking sign on your table, invisibly and mysteriously protecting you from second-hand smoke. But it’s getting better. There are no free refills, and iceless Coke, or Virgin (Branson) Cola, costs more than beer. Santé!

What is remarkable to our American visitors is the slow pace of the dining process. There are no waitresses named Sherry, Chris or Heather. And if you’ve got the table, you’ve got the table. No 43 minute turn-around time here. It may take 20 minutes to order and 20 more minutes to get your bill, but you do get used to it, and you actually get to have nice, long chats with those at your table.

So, when you come, we’ll mostly eat at home (a nice fondue or raclette) where kids ARE welcome, but don’t schedule any other events on the evening we go out.


At 16:59, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It feels like you were directing this post at me.

At 17:00, Blogger cwinwc said...

It sounds like Europeans are unaccustomed to the feeling of a home being more like a hotel.

Pack the bags honey.

At 17:20, Blogger Thurman8er said...

There is a chance...just a chance, mind you...that we may get to eat IN this weekend.

Eating out, like most other indulgences, is enjoyable in inverse proportion to its frequency.


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