20 January 2006

C. on Ice

Last Sunday morning three of those present had hands wrapped up or in a cast from cuts, falls or sudden shocks. One those is C., our church treasureress.

Lausanne’s got workers that clean the sidewalks/crossings when snow comes. This is very important in a city where everyone walks, and walks a lot. C. was crossing the icy street in front of the grocery store and did one of those 10.0 falls in the middle of the street.

(Flashback): When I was at ACU, there was a place on the walkway to the Coliseum where chapel was held that was big entertainment to
godly students. At a certain spot, just feet away from the entrance hall, ice would form on cold days and the ignorant chapel-goers would go sprawling. Dozens of sadistic students (all professing Christians) would stand behind glass windows and watch fellow classmates and respected professors bite the ice.

(Present): C. picked herself up (she’d actually torn ligaments that ripped away the bone in her wrist, forcing an operation later), reentered the store. Not to complain, but to buy a kilo of salt which she carefully spread on the icy crosswalk.

I love that kind of heart, don’t you?

Walk sure footed this weekend, and if you fall, warn others so they don’t.


At 16:38, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was at ACU we used stand inside those same doors and watch as students tried to flee from chapel amidst the shouts of several make-fun-of-worthy members of the administration.

Good story about C. Those who have fallen and regained their footing should help others from repeating their fall.

cowzq (bovine fashion magazine)

At 17:44, Blogger cwinwc said...

To use baseball terminology, "C took one for the team." Then she made sure no one else had to endure a "high and tight fastball." Commendable.

Sorry about the baseball overload. It must be the meeting with the Baseball Coach last night.

suruhoo (Early spelling of Subaru)

At 07:39, Blogger Keith Davis said...

It would be great if we all would make the path a little smoother for those who are to follow behind us.


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