16 February 2006


A thought sometimes dances around inside my head when I reflect on death and suffering (brought to mind by the struggle of my friend A.—see previous posts), and it goes like this:

Jesus knew he would be rejected. He knew he would be beaten. He knew he would be condemned to a terrible death. He knew he would take his last breath on a cross.


He knew it wasn’t the end. He knew the “rest of the story”. He knew there was a resurrection. He knew he would sit at God’s right hand.

So the thought continues: Jesus’ suffering is not like mine. His death and mine are miles apart. For how much courage does it take to face death when you know your Father won’t forget you? When he’s mapped out a plan? When he’s made you a promise?


When facing death, “in Christ” one knows…

It isn’t the end. He knows the “rest of the story”. He knows he will be resurrected. He knows he will sit at God’s side. That there’s a plan. That a promise has been made.

And so…
he too…


At 16:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not so much the death part but the suffering part that we fear.


At 20:42, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

Great thoughts...

At 14:29, Blogger Beverly said...

Jesus knew, but even so, at the end, he asked, "Why have you forsaken me?" Its okay to ask why..even when you know the answer..thank you Lord.

At 20:07, Blogger Candy said...

I am so excited to have found your blog. I'm a friend of Tracy Shilcutt and Jack McGlothlin. In fact, I worked for Jack for many many years. They are our family of choice. I met your wife and her mom and dad years ago, late 80's. It's great to read about what's going on there with you and your family. I loved reading about eating in/out in your "Going Out" post. It reminded me of our time there in Switzerland at Jack and Joyce's chalet. Now we join the Shilcutt's for raclette and fondue on a fairly regular basis and we linger and enjoy food and "family".

At 20:10, Blogger The Raabs said...

It is this that so gives me hope and so makes me aware how terrible it is to be "without hope and without God in the world" (Eph. 2:12). I want to remember this for the urgency and the hope. Thanks for the thoughts!


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