12 January 2006


When we arrived in Switzerland, Wife began teaching me French, 3.5 hours per day, one-on-one. During that time, I stumbled upon a book that promised to teach me French in 90 days, creatively entitled: French in 90 days. One chapter consisted of a list of questions… Conversation starters, if you like. And one of the questions was (and please, silently read this with a French accént):

Vat do you tsink of tsee political situassioooon?

I was ready for Charles, an elderly member of the Lausanne church, when he got stuck with me alone for an hour. At the café, I popped my well rehearsed question. And he was off for 45 minutes of “discussion” as I pretended to understand, nodding all along.

I think we solved many problems that day.

30 months ago in California I shared some political opinions, and probably came close to losing my support. I also spoke up once around some relations and was really convincing, but they don’t talk to me anymore.

So we have a rule here: To evangelize, never talk USA politics (even when asked) and never give an opinion about the death penalty. Just nod. Politics are cultural.

Just ask Arnold.


At 17:48, Blogger Thurman8er said...

Hmmmm....Greg's been to Randy's blog already. I wonder if I need to rethink my order. I go BST, Cope, Sandra, Brady, Randy, Cecil, Greg, Keith and then decide if I have any extra time to visit others. That, by the way, is an order of convenience and not importance.

See? This is why you don't discuss politics (or religion with some people). Always the chance, nay the probability, that you might offend.

You are a wise man, Brady.

At 18:05, Blogger Brady said...

Steve, I don't share my blog visiting order with anyone either.

At 18:15, Blogger cwinwc said...

Politics can be more dangerous than a motorcycle ride, just ask the "Govenator." (http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060109/ts_alt_afp/uscaliforniaschwarzennegger)

When the election between George W. and Al Gore went into "overtime" in the courts, I made a comparison to officiating basketball games to my father-in-law.

I said I wasn't too concerned about the election being held up in court because just as with an official in a game, the goal is to get the call right.

When I said that I thought my father-in-law was going to go into "hydro-phobe" (any one remember that from "Old Yeller?") mode and start foaming at the mouth.

The lesson you illustrate is one best learned by all of us.

Besides, I belong to the jclcecet party.

At 19:47, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah the French, they've given us so many good things . . . fries, toast, vanilla. We, here across the great ocean, have failed to return such good things . . . soap, deoderant, razors. But this distracts from the point.

I am laughing quite heartily at "Vat do you tsink of tsee political situassioooon?" I have been unable to simply read it silently. I read it aloud, again and again, delighting in the way it rolls off my tongue.

I'm always amused in discussions pertaining to religion (which are usually discussion pertaining to the practice of religion) that people tend to assume you think just like they think. This, in our fair city, is true with politics as well. Everyone assumes that you hold the same position as they.

As to the blog reading order, I'm at a loss for words. But look out for tomorrow's post - I've already started working on the first draft. It will have you saying "trcusbsc" in many languages.

At 07:25, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

I guess I don't mind coming after Cope, but BST just needs to go to the end of the line and wait his turn! Who does he think he is? Abilene's Distinguished Alumni of the Year or what? (he really is...by the way...)

Now I'm worried because I have no order of blog reading. Just like life, I'm more of a care free blog reader reading whatever order strikes my fancy. I know, I'm such a rebel!

Brady, I've also heard you can turn on the southern accent when a policeman approaches you for a driving violation.

At 04:13, Blogger Keith Davis said...

Thinking about you nodding to words you didn't understand makes me think of people who hear u talk about "religion" and they nod as though they understand when they really have no clue. Makes me want to just wjioec!


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