12 June 2006

World Cup 2006

The FIFA World Cup 2006 (soccer) started last Friday night in Germany. We got to see part of the first match on TV, but then 9 people showed up for a Bible Study so we missed four of the goals. But it was fun.
Neighborhood windows are full of flags. Most of them are red and white, and Switzerland has it’s first match on Tuesday evening against our no-love-lost neighbor, France. (Son 2 saw a Swiss fan t-shirt that proclaimed loyalty to the Swiss National Team (Nati) and any other team that was playing against… FRANCE.) You guessed it, I’m teaching a Bible study during that match too. Oh well, “Love not the world…”

From about 1 of every 12 balconies hangs a Portuguese flag, by far the largest contingent of foreigners in Lausanne. For good measure, you also see Spanish and Italian flags, even some from Brazil (zough I hazn’t seen zeny French “drapeaux”… Not worth zee risque, I image-ine!)

Our family is pulling for 3 teams, in the following order: Switzerland, USA and Ukraine.

Oh, yes. And for any team playing against France.

Hop Suisse!


At 20:51, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

so...you have the American flag in your window, yes?

At 23:26, Blogger Thurman8er said...

Reminds me of Rowan Atkinson's monologue where he's reading a list of people who have been consigned to hell for all eternity. At one point there is a long pause and then he reads, "Yes, the French. Yes, I see you all. Go stand over there please, next to the Germans."

Cruel. But funny.

At 03:33, Blogger cwinwc said...

I will second your "Hop Suisse" if I read my Swiss slogan correctly.

At 10:54, Blogger The Raabs said...

Son nr. 2 is rooting for England (he is still upset that America fought against them for independance - we could have had a good soccer team!). Belgium got knocked out, but we are still rooting for USA and the Netherlands and anyone who can beat the Germans (Dutch sentiment here).
Enjoy the replays on the morning news :-)

At 13:04, Blogger Mike the Eyeguy said...

Go Nati!

At 19:35, Blogger Deb said...

Well, our flag is red and white, also ... and ALL over the place! Quite a statement for Brits, as they are always bashing Americans for flying the US flag for any excuse. Haven't seen any flag hanging out of windows or flapping about cars except for the St George, which I sent to all the American men in my family. ;)

The German-Costa Rican game was so awesome, although I was rooting for the Costa Ricans (where I've done mission work). They never gave up the fight!

It was a hoot hearing the English presenters bend over backwards to try NOT to come up with any gaffes such as 'The German sub approaches the pitch ...' or 'As the concentration of German players near the camp, uhhh, goal ...'. ANYthing to reference the animosity held over from WWII. We are holding our breath when Germany and Poland play ...

The England-Paraguay game was the usual disappointment with the own goal. Disgusting.

We will definitely pull for Nati against France. Am not sure England will make it that far, but there's always hope. It's just too bad Thierry Henri, one of our faves from our team Arsenal, has to be French once every four years. At least he's married to a Brit.

I'll be watching the match tonight with Nati and France.

We're pulling for: England, USA, Switzerland, AND any team going up against France (with apologies to Henri!). :)

At 09:19, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what a game it was! VERY exciting.


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