14 June 2006

Nati vs Zidane & Co.

The Tuesday night Bible study ended in a 0-0 draw between the Swiss and the French. That’s not all that bad, because half the church in Geneva is Swiss, half is French, and half is from South America.

I asked Wife about the match when I got home late last night. She said it was interesting, but she was reading TIME and watching the match simultaneously so she wasn’t really the one to ask. Unfortunately, she couldn’t really hear the Swiss sport commentators. Daughter had invited 3 friends over to watch the match and chatted through the whole thing. I think they did decide which player was the cutest, which doesn’t translate into any points but is nearly as important as goal differential.

Son 2 thought we should have won.

Got some great international comments on the last post. Check out Ocular Fusion for good commentary from Virginia (?) about Team USA’s diminishing chances for advancement.

Wife has been looking for souvenirs to take to nephews-nieces on an upcoming trip. She was surprised by the number of England t-shirts for sale. No USA stuff. And no USA flags either, Sandra. Sorry.

BTW, see the Haiku competition on Steve’s blog. A real hoot.


At 11:20, Blogger Deb said...

Hey, Brady ... thanks for the blog visit! Yes, our boys are lacking in so many ways.

I don't know which is worse -- a nil-nil draw or an won goal. I guess the points help. Hopefully both our teams will do better on their next game. Loser treats either your family or mine to homemade Mexican the next time we see each other?

I have to agree with Mike (Ocular Fusion) RE: Bruce Arena. Whatever fans may think about our English teams, their managers NEVER openly sling blame around their players. What a whinger! Arena needs to drill his defense, and pull the guys together.

I wish our sunsets would cool us down. But this time of year the sun does not set until 10pm (and comes up with the birdsong at 3.45am!). It starts to get cool the next morning about 6.30am. We had some rain last night, and it felt wonderfully like opening the fridge door when I let Dee-Oh'-Gee out to check on the fox.

Love to Wife. :)

At 18:40, Blogger Thurman8er said...

Thanks for the plug. Haiku keeps me in touch with my feminine side. That's a good thing. Right? Right???

I know I should try to get into the World Cup thing. I had so many soccer fanatics in my class last year. It's just that there is baseball on every day. And I get it.

At 21:01, Blogger cwinwc said...

The wife of a good friend (she is a good friend as well) of mine picks her favorite teams but what kind of colors they are wearing.


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