04 November 2005

Around the table

We placed the carpenter table in the middle of the sanctuary-church-worship hall-auditorium, two rows of chairs on either side of it… Several rows of chairs at the end of it. People (can) look at each other as they sing. They can see what’s going on in the other when there’s the prayer request. The singing’s better. The prayers are about the same, I guess. But the table… There’s been a marked improvement, even if it’s just for now, just because of the change. Visually now, Jesus is inviting us to his table to celebrate a meal that he’s prepared. And we all are sitting, perhaps too quietly, around his table amazed that we were invited to dine with him.

There is no greater invitation than that which leads to life. There is no greater food than communion with Christ. There is no greater celebration of life than that which takes place around the table of Christ. Errr, except for the party we’ll have in the future when we will be like him…

Thanks for stopping by.


At 17:29, Blogger cwinwc said...

I was getting ready to comment on the same memory that Greg brought up. From my perspective I thought that day really helped me with the "one another" aspect of communing as a body with the Lord. If I were to have any say-so on a new building I would almost insist that the auditorium be of a multi-purpose design so we could do the kinds of things that Greg mentioned in his comment.

As an aside to our conversation - I found out recently that 2 ladies have stopped worshiping with us because we took out the 2 extra pews that were in our foyer. These 2 sisters made it a habit to sit in the foyer during communion and services. Perhaps by virtue of their seating choice they were telling us they didn't want to be part of us in the first place.
qiyktz(state of mind caused by seating change)

At 20:09, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

Cool, very cool, Brady...


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