Armistice day revisited
They say that it was on the 11th day of the 11th month at 11:00 am in 1918 that the Versailles Treaty was signed. Armistice day was born. It ended four years of fighting were over 9,000,000 people were killed because of the conflict.
Today in France there are only 6 veterans of that war who are still alive. The youngest is a sprite 107 years old. They interviewed one of the “poilu” (hairy ones—no opportunity to shave in the trenches) about his experiences during “14-18”. He said the most frightening moment was in 1917 during one of the battles where over 150,000 were killed. He still has night-mares of that day and the charges from the trenches. A battle where he lost many of his closest friends.
When Son 2, Daughter and I were in London a couple of weeks ago, we got to go “to the trenches” in the Imperial War Museum. We were informed that during that century 100,000,000 people were killed because of armed conflict. What was disconcerting to me, (according to info given on the same sign), was that we continue the killing at the same rate in this present century. Does that seem possible?
Technology and even Theology may change but the nature of man is a constant.
rxbgu (prescription for bgu)
It certainly is a depressing bi-product of our inability to live in peace.
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