Gas prices
I hear that gas prices are up in the USA. The same thing here. We are paying a little less than $5.15 a gallon. It costs us a bit more than $100.00 to fill up the van, which gets about 28 miles to the gallon (or 8 liters to 100 kilometers, as they say here). I take the train when I can and ride my bike in town.
I saw the pictures of flooding in Louisiana and Mississippi. Incredible. So many homes destroyed. The same thing here. Though less people were killed, all of central Switzerland was cut off from the outside world last week because of excessive rains.
I read that we can give money to help those who suffered damage from the hurricane. The same thing here. There is an organization called The Chain of Happiness (Chaîne de Bonheur) that collects funds every time there is a disaster somewhere in the world. This time it’s for bailing out the Swiss. And this in itself has caused some problems, since Switzerland is the most insured country in the world.
That’s where the two countries are different. I read on USA Today’s site that 45.8 million people in the USA have no health insurance. We have to have it. If you’re poor, the state chips in and subsidizes whenever needed.