24 August 2005

And the winner is...

Test results describe different life orientations:

Supporting/Giving (SG)
Controlling/Taking (CT)
Conserving/Holding (CH)
Adapting/Dealing (AD)

SG’s are usually principled, cooperative, dedicated and loyal, wanting to do what’s right and being helpful.

CT’s try to get results by being confident and seizing opportunities. They want results. They are often persistent, initiating, urgent and directing.

CH’s plan ahead and do with what they’ve got. They’re logical and sure. You’d say they’re systematic, analytical, maintaining and tenacious.

AD’s try to fill others’ needs, “throwing bread upon the waters”. They want to really know people and get along, generally being tactful, flexible, aware and sociable.

Amazingly, the hotel-school students opened up about their lives and doubts through the profile testing. One young person revealed after only 5 minutes that what was wanted more than anything in life was a home. A 25 year-old said that her value as a person depended entirely on what she could accomplish. When asked if she were to wake up blind tomorrow, would she have less value as a person, she responded immediately with a YES, admitting that she would always have to produce more.

BTW, if you chose Costco, Best Buy and ABBA, you’ve won free room and board in Switzerland. Sorry, no refunds or exchanges.


At 21:17, Blogger Generous Kitchen said...

very interesting. Sometimes, I hesitate to take tests like this because they tell me things about myself I know are true, but don't want to acknowledge.


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