18 June 2005


We learned an important theological truth last Christmas when we met family at my sister’s and brother-in-law’s in Arlington, VA for our first USA Christmas in 13 years.

Ready for that truth? (which has been reconfirmed innumerable times since that original epiphany): Every church should have a ping-pong table.

Arlington was having the warmest holidays in decades and while the wives were out jogging, shopping (at places other than Best Buy) and cooking, us guys would head over to the church for ping-pong. After Brice’s prayer and a quick exegesis on “the perfect” by Randy, Tadd would whip us all. Then we’d play some more.

Later, when we got back to Switzerland, we received a very definite sign that it was the moment to purchase a table: Our favorite store had one for 33% off and a 10% off day was coming up. I mean, 10% off days only happen twice a year.

That Sunday after worship and just before our AGAPE meal (editor’s note: pot-luck) the table went up. 3 hours later, visitors were still playing (I don’t know who those people were, but hey…) and we’d actually had fun together. All in all, a good Sunday.


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