06 June 2005

Voting day

Sunday evening’s news’ broadcast opened with the headline, “Switzerland broadens its borders and its morals”.

Yep, it was another voting day in direct-democracy Switzerland. Time to decide to make some policy changes in our relationship with surrounding countries… Time to eliminate some 19th century moral baggage too. Out with the old, in with the new.

Broaden borders: Switzerland is NOT (yet) part of the European Union. There are still rapid border checks when you enter the territory through one of the border countries. (Five, counting Liechtenstein.) Thanks to Sunday’s vote there will be seamless travel from Norway to Italy in 2007.

Broaden morals: The second issue was never presented, before the vote, as a moral change (by those who proposed it). It had to do with rights. We have now officially created a relationship, (not marriage), which gives special status to homosexual couples. Many privileges inherent to married couples are now granted to same-sex couples, though the law specifically prohibits adoption or fertility treatments (while singles, including gays, have access to those procedures. How long will the new law stand up in European court?)

For an English article, see:


Here’s a fun thought: Morals can be established through referendum.


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